Dovetails have been used in woodworking for at least 4,000 years. These examples and model tools were found in various tombs and burial sites in Egypt.
All images from The Egyption Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. See samples from the collection at www.metmuseum.org. |
Coffin of Khnum-nakht
XII Dynasty, ca. 19001800 BC
Possibly from Asyut
There is a single dovetail at the top and bottom of the mitered joint.
Whitewashed Chest
XVIII Dynasty, ca. 1498 BC
Storage boxes from the burial chamber of Ramose-Hatnofer. These dovetailed boxes originally held lengths of linen from the royal stores.
Small Cosmetics Box
XII Dynasty,
ca. 19911783 BC
Ebony and ivory. The drawer is through-dovetailed with a false drawer-front overlay. This two-piece drawer-front technique is almost 4,000 years old.
Small model tool chest and tools of Ankhef
XII Dynasty,
ca. 19911786 BC
These scale models of Egyptian tools include adzes, chisels and other bladed implements, perhaps saws.