Keller dovetail jigs: Information, reviews & pricing on the Keller Dovetail System and a gallery of related woodworking projects. Keller Dovetail System
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Gallery of woodworking projects
Woodworking Projects
Dovetails in Ancient Egypt
Over the past 29 years, the Keller dovetail jigs have been used to create wonderful woodworking projects. Professional and amateur woodworkers alike have sent us some of their favorite work. This gallery represents a small sampling of these woodworking projects, both custom & production.
    This gallery is expanding. More woodworking projects will be shown soon. If you have work made with the Keller dovetail jigs you would like to submit to the gallery, contact Keller & Co.
A.C. Pihlaja, Portland OR
Read a Woodshop News article on how to cut these curved dovetails.