Buying dovetail jigs and accesories online through is a simple, 3-step process. This page will guide you through adding items to your cart, entering your shipping and payment information, and cofirming your order.
1. Add items to your cart.
Go to the models section, where you can find links to detailed information on each of the Keller dovetail jigs and to a complete parts and price list with accessories and replacement parts. When you find the product you want, click on the Add to cart link next to it. A new window will open up showing the name, price and quantity of what is in your cart.
If you want to keep shopping, click the button labeled Continue Shopping in the PayPal window. (To show the cart again, click the View Cart   option or select View Cart from the Online Store menu). If you want to proceed with your order, click the Checkout button in the PayPal window.
2. Enter your shipping and payment information.
If you have used PayPal before, enter your user name and password. If you haven't, press the Click Here button in the middle of the page. You will be asked to enter in your personal information (including your email address so you can be e-mailed a receipt), a user name and a password. (Your information will not be shared with third parties. Read more about PayPal's strict privacy policy).
3. Confirm your order
When you finish, click the Continue button at the bottom of the page. You will then be asked to confirm your order, including shipping & handling costs. (You will be charged 7.5% sales tax if you live in California). Click to place your order. You will be sent a e-mail receipt from PayPal, and your order will ship shortly.